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Welcome to my Portfolio

I am a student game designer at Falmouth university. I specialise in design work and have experience in level design, UI and UX, world building and systems design. I have worked on student games projects and have experience working in a team and conflict resolution. My main focus is level design however I am able to work in other areas.


You can see my work below.


The Grim depths

The Grim Depths is a 2D platformer that takes place in Thallasolia, a fictional ancient and undersea kingdom. The player controls a small, silent, and nameless diver while exploring the undersea world. The diver wields a gun used in combat against the game’s enemies.



Earth, a home you once knew but no longer familiar, ravaged by a nearby supernova has been thrown back into the dark ages.
This event gave some the powerful ability to shapeshift, both a blessing and a curse as they find themselves hunted in this word that has built itself back in the ruins of the old. You are one such shapeshifter, recently captured by those who fear and covet your gift, which you must use to escape capture and help yourself understand and survive this new world.




Battleground is a solo project where i tested my systems design skills by making a concept for a board game and making a simple playable version on powerpoint



A work in progress game, I.D.L.E is a mobile game. It will be like an idle game arcade with a main hub that you can use to navigate between different idle games which you can launch instantly. This game will be available on the google play store upon its completion.

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