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My name is Cameron Thomson and i am a third year student at Falmouth University studying games design. My main hobbies are reading and playing games. I also enjoy swimming and walking. 

My Skills

As a game designer i am well versed i a few different types of design. I am very capable when it come to level design and implementation of those designs into the game engine. I have designed several levels for both 2D and 3D games, getting very positive feedback each time. I also have experience using assets to help fill out the environment, making the levels i have designed look more filled out and polished. I have a little experience with ux/ui but i am still developing those skills. Furthermore, i have done a little systems design and balancing.


I am very good at working in a team. Over my three years at University i have been in three randomly assigned teams with people i had never previously met. Despite this i worked well with everyone and have never had any personal or professional conflict with a team member. I am a very easy-going person so i am capable of working under leadership but am also able to take on a leadership role if it is required of me. 

Proficient software

Unreal logo.jpg

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